home inspector taking notes santa clarita ca


Competitive Pricing

While price will absolutely influence who you ultimately choose to perform your inspection, it really should not be the deciding factor. I monitor the pricing of my competitors regularly and am neither the cheapest nor the most expensive reputable inspection company but rather fall about in the middle.

All Inspectors are not alike. The truth is that California has no licensing requirements for home inspectors – anyone can perform home inspections in California. Do you really want the guy who printed some business cards last week evaluating the condition of your largest investment or somebody with 25+ years of residential construction experience and nearly 3000 inspections performed over the past 9 years? If you’re paying a lesser fee, you’re probably receiving a lesser inspection…

Pricing can be affected by a multitude of factors including size and age. As a general rule, my fee is below $400 for an attached condominium and $500 for a 25 year old, 2000 square foot home with no pool. Prices increase for older and larger homes and for homes built on a raised or combination foundation. Pools are an additional $75 if inspected at the same time as the home.